Getting Ready for Brain Tumor Surgery
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Buchformat: Taschenbuch
Packungsgröße: 1 St
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- 9783132409576
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Produktdetails & Pflichtangaben
Surgery, Brain Tumor, procedure planning, Brain Tumor Surgery, subapial resectiom, Brain, microscope, craniotomy, visua
In training to become a neurosurgeon, many of the crucial manual skills that must be acquired can only be mastered through growing experience during the rigorous and lengthy training process. Yet, many - often essential - practical skills can quickly be learned, practiced, and even mastered, away from the OR.
The author's motivation for writing this guide arose during his own training and his need for just such a practical aid. Getting Ready for Brain Surgery provides the readers with a basic set of exercises that will allow him to develop and improve their motor skills, handling of various tissues, and general technical competence. Detailed instructions are given in the illustrated text and in accompanying videos.
Topics include:
Planning: visualization of the procedure
The craniotomy - using a coconut
Working with the microscope
Removing a gyrus: subapial resection
Removing a brain tumor using an artificial model
Microsurgical training: the chicken wing model
Junior neurosurgical residents and interns will benefit greatly from this handy guide.
Surgery, Brain Tumor, procedure planning, Brain Tumor Surgery, subapial resectiom, Brain, microscope, craniotomy, visualization, microsurgical training, surgical skills
70469 Stuttgart, Rüdigerstr. 14
70469 Stuttgart, Rüdigerstr. 14
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Getting Ready for Brain Tumor Surgery
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