Joint Surgery in the Adult Patient with Hemophilia
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Buchformat: Taschenbuch
Packungsgröße: 1 St
Derzeit nicht lieferbar
- 9783319107790
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Produktdetails & Pflichtangaben
Shoulder surgery, Knee surgery, rehabilitation psychology, Hip surgery, Hemophilic arthropathy, Hemophilia, Elbow surge
This book provides clear instruction on the surgical treatment of joint problems in adult hemophilia patients. The procedures applicable to specific joints, including the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle, are carefully reviewed with the aid of high-quality illustrations. The surgical treatment of articular hemophilic pseudotumors and bone cysts is also considered. In addition, clinically relevant information is provided on a range of topics, such as the treatment of hemophilic hemarthrosis, the imaging of hemophilic joints, hematological perioperative management, anesthesia, rehabilitation and pharmacoeconomics. Finally, the controversial issues of postoperative thromboembolic prophylaxis and the role of COX-2 inhibitors in hemophiliacs are reviewed. The guidance provided draws on both the authors’ extensive personal experience and an in-depth review of the pertinent literature. The book offers an excellent, up-to-date account of knowledge on musculoskeletal problems and approaches to joint surgery in adults with hemophilia. It will be of value to orthopedic surgeons, rehabilitation physicians, hematologists, radiologists and pharmacy researchers.
Hip surgery, Hemophilia, rehabilitation psychology, Shoulder surgery, Hemophilic arthropathy, Elbow surgery, Knee surgery
6330 Cham, Gewerbestr. 11
6330 Cham, Gewerbestr. 11
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Joint Surgery in the Adult Patient with Hemophilia
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