Male Infertility: Understanding, Causes and Treatment
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Buchformat: Taschenbuch
Packungsgröße: 1 St
Derzeit nicht lieferbar
- 9789811040160
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Produktdetails & Pflichtangaben
Infertility treatment, In vitro fertilization, Spermatogenesis, gene expression, Ychromosome and male infertility, Mal
This book covers the latest research on male infertility. The topics discussed range from understanding the genetic basis of infertility, to its causes and treatment. Since infertility is also of great interest to the general public, the book also includes a detailed description of what infertility is and how one can understand the different types. Given the complex etiology of infertility, the book includes a number of chapters defining the known and probable causes of male infertility. Providing detailed information suitable for patients and clinicians alike, it also features a separate section on treatment, the ultimate goal.
Spermatogenesis, Male infertility, gene expression, Infertility treatment, In vitro fertilization, Y-chromosome and male infertility
47100 Puchong, Selangor D.E., No. 12-2F 101 Business Park
47100 Puchong, Selangor D.E., No. 12-2F 101 Business Park
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Male Infertility: Understanding, Causes and Treatment
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