Clinical Cases in Skin Cancer Surgery and Treatment
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Buchformat: Taschenbuch
Packungsgröße: 1 St
Derzeit nicht lieferbar
- 9783319209364
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Produktdetails & Pflichtangaben
Skin Cancer, Dermatological Surgery, Dermatoscopy, Dermatology, Basal Cell Cancer, Case-based dermatology
This book provides a concise and practical guide to dermatologists, dermatologists in training, primary care physicians, plastic surgeons and others working in skin cancer and dermatological surgery. Each case allows readers to gain a thorough and practical knowledge of the wide range of cases they may encounter. The authors have carefully selected cases to highlight evidence-based practice. The book describes the top skin cancer and skin cancer surgery identification and treatment issues and provides essential information to treat these patients suffering from melanoma, squamous cell cancer, basal cell cancer, Merkel cell cancers and other skin maladies. In addition the authors have included several cases in the field of dermatoscopy and SRT (superficial radiation) for skin cancer.
Skin Cancer, Dermatological Surgery, Dermatoscopy, Dermatology, Basal Cell Cancer, Case-based dermatology
6330 Cham, Gewerbestr. 11
6330 Cham, Gewerbestr. 11
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Clinical Cases in Skin Cancer Surgery and Treatment
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