Molecular Therapies of Cancer
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Buchformat: Taschenbuch
Packungsgröße: 1 St
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- 9783319132778
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Produktdetails & Pflichtangaben
medicinal chemistry, combination chemotherapy, molecular inhibitors, cancer drugs, targeting cancer cells
Molecular Therapies of Cancer comprehensively covers the molecular mechanisms of anti-cancer drug actions in a comparably systematic fashion. While there is currently available a great deal of literature on anti-cancer drugs, books on the subject are often concoctions of invited review articles superficially connected to one another. There is a lack of comprehensive and systematic text on the topic of molecular therapies in cancer. A further deficit in the relevant literature is a progressive sub-specialization that typically limits textbooks on cancer drugs to cover either pharmacology or medicinal chemistry or signal transduction, rather than explaining molecular drug actions across all those areas; Molecular Therapies of Cancer fills this void. The book is divided into five sections: 1. Molecular Targeting of Cancer Cells; 2. Emerging and Alternative Treatment Modalities; 3. Molecular Targeting of Tumor-Host Interactions; 4. Anti-Cancer Drug Pharmacokinetics; and 5. Supportive Therapies.
medicinal chemistry, combination chemotherapy, molecular inhibitors, cancer drugs, targeting cancer cells
6330 Cham, Gewerbestr. 11
6330 Cham, Gewerbestr. 11
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Molecular Therapies of Cancer
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