
The Vegetarian Silver Spoon

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Ihr Preis
€ 45,00
€ 45,00 / 1 St.
Buchformat: Taschenbuch
Packungsgröße: 1 St
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Produktdetails & Pflichtangaben

More than 200 delicious classic and contemporary Italian vegetarian recipes from the acclaimed Silver Spoon kitchen
Weitere Produktinformationen
More than 200 delicious classic and contemporary Italian vegetarian recipes from the acclaimed Silver Spoon kitchen The latest title to join Phaidon's Silver Spoon library features more than 200 recipes for Italian vegetarian dishes, with a particular emphasis on healthy meat-free options for appetizers, main dishes, salads, sides, and desserts. Recipes range from classic dishes that are traditionally vegetarian to contemporary dishes that introduce ingredients borrowed from outside Italy's culinary culture. The book is easy to navigate, thanks to its recipe icons, while gorgeous specially commissioned photographs bring its delicious dishes to life.
376 Seiten Englisch / Erscheinungsdatum: 10.03.2020

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The Vegetarian Silver Spoon

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