Australia: The Cookbook
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Ihr Preis
€ 45,00
€ 45,00 / 1 St.
Buchformat: Taschenbuch
Packungsgröße: 1 St
Verkauf und Versand durch
Lieferung in 5-7 Werktagen
Standardversand (kostenlos)
- 9781838662417
- Darreichung
- Buch
Produktdetails & Pflichtangaben
chicken parmigiana, Queensland blue pumpkin soup, Australien, meat pies, Cumquat marmalade, Australian cuisine, Länderk
A celebration of Australian cuisine like never before 350 recipes showcasing the rich diversity of its landscapes and its people.Australia is a true melting pot of cultures and this is reflected in its cooking. As an island of indigenous peoples alongside a global panoply of immigrants with different culinary influences and traditions, its foodways are ripe for exploration. As well as the regional flora and fauna that make up bush tucker, there are dishes from all over the world that have been adopted and adapted to become Australia's own making this recipe collection relevant to home cooks everywhere.
chicken parmigiana, Queensland blue pumpkin soup, Australien, meat pies, Cumquat marmalade, Australian cuisine, Länderküche, Anzac biscuits, Lamingtons, Melting Pot, Stir fried native greens, Australische Küche, international
10707 Berlin, Zähringerstr. 24
10707 Berlin, Zähringerstr. 24
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Australia: The Cookbook
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