
Buddha und Freud – Präsenz und Einsicht

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€ 36,00
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Buchformat: Taschenbuch
Packungsgröße: 1 St
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Ein spannender Dialog auf Augenhöhe: Die Psychoanalyse gewinnt an Präsenz, der Buddhismus an Reflexion.Achtsamkeit, Psy
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Despite the prevalent notion that Buddhism and psychoanalysis are contradictory currents with fundamentally different views of the world, both of these two approaches concentrate on understanding and relieving human suffering. Upon closer inspection, a number of important similarities are revealed. In this volume the psychoanalyst Ralf Zwiebel and the Zen Master Gerald Weischede hold a dialogue about their respective work models and the basic understanding of self and world behind them. They ask how the two systems can learn from each. Their conclusion is: psychoanalysis can profit from the cultivated presence practiced in Buddhism, and Buddhism can benefit from the reflections psychoanalysis makes about a person´s life history.
Achtsamkeit, Psychotherapie, Wachsamkeit, Leid, Buddha, Buddhismus, Meditation, Freud, Sigmund, Reflexion, Dialog, Suzuki, Shunryu, Aufmerksamkeit, Wahrnehmung, Wahrnehmungspsychologie, Zen-Buddhismus, Psychoanalyse, Präsenz, Selbstreflexion
37079 Göttingen, Robert-Bosch-Breite 10


37079 Göttingen, Robert-Bosch-Breite 10

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Buddha und Freud – Präsenz und Einsicht

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