The Aging Auditory System
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Buchformat: Taschenbuch
Packungsgröße: 1 St
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- 9781441909923
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Produktdetails & Pflichtangaben
aging, neurobiology, anatomy, senescence, physiology, perception
This volume brings together noted scientists who study presbycusis from the perspective of complementary disciplines, for a review of the current state of knowledge on the aging auditory system. Age-related hearing loss (ARHL) is one of the top three most common chronic health conditions affecting individuals aged 65 years and older. The high prevalence of age-related hearing loss compels audiologists, otolaryngologists, and auditory neuroscientists alike to understand the neural, genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying this disorder. A comprehensive understanding of these factors is needed so that effective prevention, intervention, and rehabilitative strategies can be developed to ameliorate the myriad of behavioral manifestations.
The aim is to provide students and researchers in auditory science and aging with a understanding of the various effects of aging on the auditory system.
Introduction and Overview Sandra Gordon-Salant and Robert D. Frisina
The Physiology of Cochlear Presbyacusis Richard A. Schmiedt
The Cell Biology and Physiology of the Aging Central Auditory Pathway Barbara Canlon, Robert Benjamin Illing, and Joseph Walton
Closing the Gap between Neurobiology and Human Presbycusis: Behavioral and Evoked Potential Studies of Age-related Hearing Loss in Animal Models and in Humans James R. Ison, Kelly L. Tremblay, and Paul D. Allen
Behavioral Studies with Aging Humans: Hearing Sensitivity and Psychoacoustics Peter J. Fitzgibbons and Sandra Gordon-Salant.
Binaural Processing and Auditory Asymmetries David A. Eddins and Joseph W. Hall III
The Effects of Senescent Changes in Audition and Cognition on Spoken Language Comprehension Bruce A. Schneider, Kathy Pichora-Fuller, and Meredyth Daneman
Factors Affecting Speech Understanding in Older Adults Larry E. Humes and Judy R. Dubno
Epidemiology of Age-related Hearing Impairment Karen J. Cruickshanks, Weihai Zhan, and Wenjun Zhong
Interventions and Future Therapies:...
aging, neurobiology, anatomy, senescence, physiology, perception
14197 Berlin, Heidelberger Platz 3
14197 Berlin, Heidelberger Platz 3
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The Aging Auditory System
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