Alles, was in mir steckt: Kreatives Schreiben im systemischen Kontext
Abbildung ähnlich
Ihr Preis
€ 29,00
€ 29,00 / 1 St.
Buchformat: Taschenbuch
Packungsgröße: 1 St
Verkauf und Versand durch
Lieferung in 4-6 Werktagen
Standardversand (ab € 3,95)
- 9783525462669
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- Buch
Produktdetails & Pflichtangaben
Kreatives Schreiben, Systemische Therapie, Ressourcenorientierung, Selbstführung, Resilienz, Personalentwicklung, Poten
Creative writing is more than just a hobby. It has the potential to help people to expand their self-efficacy and their self-esteem. It also serves as a nearly endless source of energy. Not only do individuals profit from this activity, it can also be implemented in the course of systemic therapy, counselling as well as in personal and business development. Renate Haußmann and Petra Rechenberg-Winter have put together a workbook full of scientifically sound and proven methods of creative writing. The also provide the basic theoretical background and include a number of writing exercises and examples.
158 Seiten Deutsch/Erscheinungsdatum: 20.02.2013
Verantwortliche Person in der EU
Alles, was in mir steckt: Kreatives Schreiben im systemischen Kontext
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