
Pharmacology of Potassium Channels

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Buchformat: Taschenbuch
Packungsgröße: 1 St
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The aim of the present book is to comprehensively review current advances in understanding of genetics, structural biology, pharmacology of potassium channels and their roles in disease as well as to identify current gaps in knowledge. The ultimate goal is to provide a scientific foundation for better understanding of modulatory mechanisms and pharmacology of potassium channels and to use this understanding to drive future drug discovery. This book will be a must-have for academic and industrial scientists interested in physiology, pharmacology, pathology and structure-functional relationships of ion channels. The book will also be helpful for lecturers and students in the college and university classrooms, as well as for anyone interested in the state-of-the art in modern cell biology, physiology and pharmacology.
drug discovery, channelopathy, electrophysiology, Potassium channel, structure-activity relationships (SAR), pharmacology, protein structure, structure-functional relationships, toxins, antibody
6330 Cham, Gewerbestr. 11


6330 Cham, Gewerbestr. 11

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Pharmacology of Potassium Channels

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