
Color Atlas of Otology

Abbildung ähnlich
Ihr Preis
€ 51,40
€ 51,40 / 1 St.
Buchformat: Taschenbuch
Packungsgröße: 1 St
Verkauf und Versand durch
Lieferung in 5-7 Werktagen
Standardversand (kostenlos)
  • EAN
  • Darreichung

Produktdetails & Pflichtangaben

ear pathologies, ear surgery, cholesteatoma, temporal bone images, auricular, disorders
Weitere Produktinformationen
Color Atlas of Otology: Diagnosis and Management presents brilliant photographs of different otological disorders. The book has been divided into four sections covering all aspects of ear pathology, radiology, and surgical and postsurgical outcomes. All images are accompanied by a brief discussion about the disease and its management. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of temporal bone has changed the scenario in cases of cholesteatoma and its complications, and a chapter has been added to give a detailed outlook on this. There are step-by-step detailed photographs of surgical procedures with explanations; the surgical steps are given in detail so that postgraduates and consultants can use them as a surgical road map to a particular disease. Salient features: Detailed color photographs of different ear pathologies. CT scans of temporal bone for different complicated pathologies of ear diseases. Step-by-step detailed images of different surgical procedures.
ear pathologies, ear surgery, cholesteatoma, temporal bone images, auricular, disorders
10001 New York, Seventh Avenue 333


10001 New York, Seventh Avenue 333

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Color Atlas of Otology

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